Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A New Challenge and Opportunity

  The Children's Miracle Network Hospitals is sponsoring a "27 Day Miracle Fitness Challenge" to foster fitness while raising funds for Children's Hospitals across the country. I have signed on and made the commitment to 27 Days of Fitness. My intention is for this commitment to lead to a habit of fitness. They say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit. Well, 27 days should cement it in place!

  Confession time, I am NOT an athletic person. All my life the only physical activity I liked was walking. Walking will be part of my 27 days; however, I will also do yoga -- which I do like and was what I used last year to get my strength back after my cancer treatment caused me to be clinically malnourished. In addition, there is a fitness studio near my house I am going to investigate. It's a local small business (Yeah for small businesses!) that offers a variety of classes.

  Today I weigh 132. Not bad. I'd like to lose 8 to 10 pounds, but not a necessity. What is a necessity is getting in better shape. I am not a couch potato. I don't watch TV. But I am a Chair Pear. That's just as bad.

  Wish me luck! I'll touch base periodically to let you know how I'm doing.